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6 min · 20 Apr 2023

The Pros and Cons of Remote Working as a Designer

The pros and cons of remote working as a designer can be balanced to find the right option for you. This article outlines remote working's benefits, including flexibility, cost savings, and increased productivity, and its drawbacks like isolation, communication difficulty, and distractions at home, helping you make an informed decision.

Certain events have drastically changed how we work over the last few years, with remote working becoming more and more common. As a digital designer, you often have the option to work remotely, but is it the right choice?

In this article, we will have a look at the dizzying highs and terrifying lows of remote working as a designer.

Pros of Remote Working as a Designer


Remote working provides the flexibility that many crave in their work-life balance. As a designer, you can work from anywhere in the world, or indeed anywhere in your house. It allows you to easily work around other commitments or even travel while still getting your work done. For people looking for the perfect work life balance this is defintely a great start!

More than that, without having to commute, you can avoid those long days where you set of to work in the dark and return in the dark. The flexibilty and comfort of your own home can also be a great boost to mental wellbeing.

working by the sea
Working by the sea: Photo by Photo by Ishan @seefromthesky on Unsplash

Increased Productivity

Studies have shown that remote workers are more productive than office workers. Without the distractions of a busy office, and being osmewhere comfortable, remote workers are often able to focus better on their work, leading to better productivity levels. Being able to put on the washing machine during a break also means you can get a lotn of chores done before the day is even over maximising relaxation time in the evening!

Cost Savings

Remote working can provide a massive cost savings for both the employee and the employer. As a designer, you can save money on transportation, meals, and even work attire. Employers can also save on office costs like rent, electricity, and water.

Cons of Remote Working as a Designer

Lack of Face-to-Face Interaction

Remote working can definitely lead to feelings of isolation. While Team calls can achieve a little, they do not fill the void caused by a lack of face-to-face interaction with colleagues and collaborators. Teams isnt quite as good. This can be especially difficult for designers, who often rely on collaboration and feedback from others. Maybe the Metaverse will be our saviour, though I tend to doubt it.


Communication Challenges

Communication can be more difficult in a remote working environment, and it can be challenging to keep everyone on the same page. Misunderstandings can occur more easily when communication is done solely through email or instant messaging and when trying to lead collaborative sessions or work with users it can feel a little bit disconnected.

There are tools to help. Miro and Figma are especially helpful for collaborating with others in real time.

Figma: Photo by Ion (Ivan) Sipilov on Unsplash

Distractions at Home

While it can be more productive, working from home can also be challenging if there are distractions present, like pets or family members. It can be difficult to balance work responsibilities with home responsibilities.

Cat on laptop
Cat on laptop: Photo by Tai Bui on Unsplash


Remote working can be a great option for designers, but it does come with its own set of challenges. It provides flexibility, cost savings, and increased productivity, but it can easily lead to isolation, communication challenges, and distractions at home. Perhaps the real winning solution is a combination of the two, allowing you flexibilty on the days where you don't want to leave the comfot of home and the chance to go into the office when pets and children are being annoying.

Consider what is most important to you. Will the benefits outweigh the challenges? Only you can decide.